Learn more about each of Shelley's series created throughout her career below.

People come across our paths throughout our lives. These have traveled my life’s journey across the globe and been there in the madness of my days; in the joys and in the losses. An honest display of people in their many postures, on all occasions, in their beauty and with warts and all.
This series was created during 2020 and 2021 when COVID invaded our lives. During the pandemic, I felt the urge to create art that I felt represented me, alongside other humans, as I navigated my emotions and the physical imposition that was thrust upon the world.
These artworks are a combination of transfer-lift prints of my photography, acrylics, shellac, and collage.

Mixed Media Acrylics
Colours abound in these artworks that have an abundance of layers. They were what they were, and they are what they are; evolving over time. We, too, have many layers and these paintings somewhat mask those hidden parts of ourselves that are only visible to a privileged few.

This series was inspired by the famous Japanese artist, Shinoda Toko. The title of this series came to mind immediately, as the shapes married and the lines merged; representing nature and the simplicity of its beauty and form.
The art works are made from fragments of my art and acrylic paint.

Japanese Kimono Collages
These canvases are covered in my photographs printed on acetate, and incorporating traditional Kimono fabric and acrylic paints, while other components are 3-D. Japan has been my home since 2004 and aspects of it have infiltrated into my soul.

Photograph Collages on Shellac
I love finding something that catches my eye, through the lens of a camera. Many years ago, before digital photography was invented, I had some of my photographs printed onto acetate and transferred parts of the photos onto paper to create artworks such as these. They are a combination of my photographs, acrylics, collage and shellac.